Thursday, January 20, 2011

our zoe bug turned 2!!

our Zoe bug is officially 2! i think that this is a fun age(most of the time!)
at 2 she;
-is her sisters shadow when they are together and wants to do everything with and like her
-still dislikes (hate is a pretty strong word) nursery
-is still addicted to her binkey
- is very entertaining and has a fun personality
-sometimes has trouble with her aggression (we're working on it)
-loves to give hugs and kisses
-loves to talk but most of her words you can't understand so we just nod our heads and kindly say "oh really?"
-loves french fries or as she would say "fren fries" and can recognize McDonald's and Chick Fil A (not our proudest parenting moments)
-is fascinated with the potty but wants nothing to do with it when we try to undress her lower half, which is ironic because if she had it her way, she would never have to get dressed
-loves M&M's (who doesn't?) i use them as bribery often
-loves to tell us no (try to picture her saying this with some of the aggression mentioned above)
-loves to watch movies especially 'bobby' (barbie), 'high highs' (backyardigans), 'chi chi' (despicable me and tinkerbell), and, of course, 'woody buzz' (no translation necessary, i hope)
-loves undressing and taking off her diaper especially when she is supposed to be asleep
-is good about folding her arms while we pray
-is such a blessing in our lives! couldn't imagine it without her!

we have some great friends in Amarillo. one family in particular has adaughter who is only a week younger than Zoe so we decided to have a combined birthday party for the two of them.

here's my crazy duo as we head off to the party.
me: "Zoe take out your binkey, look at Mommy and say cheese!"
who am i kidding?
thanks Avery. i can always count on her for picture cooperation.
another great cake made by Chef Zach.
i really wanted him to make the Barbie cake that he made for Avery's
fourth birthday but he wasn't feeling up to it. i think he is still scarred from when Avery called the cake a volcano.
still was delicious and Zoe didn't know the difference.
opening presents with her darling birthday buddy, Emily
NOT a fan of the birthday hat (surprise, surprise)
this is what i get when i attempt to get her to look at the camera...
and this is what happens when somebody else tries to get her attention... classic. still looking the wrong direction but i'll take it.
grand finale!! blowing out the #2 candle!

1 comment:

The Kindle Family said...

Awe, so cute! I love the girls' tutu's! Don't feel bad though, Aubrey still had her binky when she turned two and she is STILL NOT POTTY TRAINED! And we are about the have a third please pity me! ;)