Monday, September 20, 2010

oh yes she did!

Our Avie Lou started kindergarten!!
-28 days ago, to be exact, but as fate would have it I couldn't
find the battery charger to my camera. so, here we are 28 days later reinacting the "first" day of school.
Home of the Cubs
in front of her classroom

she LOVES school and everything about it!
-riding the bus (scary, i know, but she insisted)
-activity centers
-music time
-recess (chasing boys apparently)
-and, of course, lunch.
she loves reading the school lunch menu every night
so she can decide whether to take cold lunch or get hot lunch
( the whole "cold" and "hot" lunch thing was an interesting concept
to explain to a five year old...)
here's to another successful year of school!


Lyns said...

I seriously just shed a tear. I CANNOT believe she's in kindergarten. What that means is that Ava is only one year away from that! Wow! Go Avery!

Lisa said...

Oh my... I can't believe she's that old! Love that you had to reenact the first day. You're hilarious.