Sunday, October 17, 2010

what a weekend!

we started the weekend by visiting
a local pumpkin patch "fun farm."
i volunteered Zach for this ride.
loving the bouncy pillow
enjoying a ride on the cow "choo choo"
as Zoe called it.
and, the highlight of our weekend, Avery lost her first tooth!!
she couldn't be more thrilled and neither could the tooth fairy.
Avery told us she is expecting money, a toy and a treat.
not sure how the tooth fairy's going to pull this off.
we'll see how it all plays out in the morning.
not a very good picture of the missing chomper.
its one of the bottom front.
luckily, school pictures have already taken place!


Curtis & Nichole said...

Hooray Avery, she is now a big & now a tooth :) WOW what next?

Congrats again to Zach for finishing training (& you too) Hope you guys are adjusting with everything that is going on! We miss ya

p.s. tell Zach "very impressive" that we could fit in the wagon ride :) hehe it made me giggle

The Muirs said...

Brooke...I found your blog while I was blog stalking Jen Mangum's blog. So good to see your fam in pictures. I've been meaning to get a hold of you. I heard you moved to Amarillo and we have a guy in our ward that grew up there, actually he grew up in Pampa. He said his bro in law is the bishop in one of the Amarillo wards...4th ward Bishop Blaine Barton, maybe you know them, maybe not. He wants to know what ward you're in. Email me at Hope all is well with you, your family is beautiful and tell Zach CONGRATS on his graduation and new job.

Kristen Muir

Edwin and Rebecca said... we are blogger friends:) The pumpkin patch was fun. You kids are so dang cute!