Monday, April 25, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

We had a great Easter weekend! We were able to spend time with great friends and Grandpa and Grandma Taylor!

early morning 'bed head' picture of the girls- notice Zoe is
holding a piece of licorice. breakfast of champions at
the Taylor house.
hunting for the eggs!

finally, the baskets! included inside were bubbles, a coloring book,an Easter themed Pez dispenser, and a juvenile set of golf clubs! these were definitely a hit. Avery has even learned to yell "fore!" right before she swings. Zach is so proud.
this was the best picture i could get of the two of them in their
dresses. Avery was complaining that it was too bright and Zoe
was preoccupied with her golf clubs.
after church, we went over to our wonderful neighbor's house for a delicious Easter dinner with some other great friends.
beautiful table setting by my talented friend, Rebecca. I may
be hiring her in the future.
the table was even adorned with place settings with each of our names on them. seriously, too cute!
and last, but not least, this crazy kid got a hold of a
cupcake with green frosting. i think she may have enjoyed it.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend!!


Lisa said...

Cute pics! Zoe looks so grown up.

The Four Eggs said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!! Call me back! I text u last week!